de inmediato
con clases pequeñas interactivas
Los instructores están
para que usted comience a hablar desde el primer día.
Estándares de fluidez
Resultados comprobados
¡El aprendizaje de cualquier idioma requiere de interacción! Entrenamos a nuestros instructores en técnicas de práctica y producción para fomentar la conversación en las clases. ILC ofrece clases en grupos en más de 12 idiomas, con opciones de asistencia en línea o presencial en el área de Indianápolis. ¡Participe desde cualquier lugar y a cualquier hora!
Los grupos pequeños de 3 a 8 estudiantes se reúnen una o dos veces por semana por 2 horas por un total de 20 horas. Las horas de reunión son flexibles y dependen de la disponibilidad de los estudiantes.
¡Construya bases gramaticales y de vocabulario en el idioma de tus sueños.
¡Inicie Su Aventura hacia la Fluidez!
Clases Grupales e Individuales
Nosotros sabemos que la mejor manera de aprender es en un ambiente libre de estrés. Nuestros cursos de idiomas han sido diseñados para ser divertidos, con experiencias culturales, permitiendo que nuestros alumnos aprendan en un entorno motivador.
Todas las clases grupales al público, se llevan a cabo en línea. Contamos con oficinas en Carmel, Indiana y North Palm Beach, Florida, al igual que en otras localidades a solicitud. Cada clase grupal dura dos horas con un descanso corto a mitad de la clase, y se reúnen una o dos veces por semana, dependiendo del curso. Todos las clases grupales son de 20 horas y se reúnen por 5 a 10 semanas, dependiendo de la frecuencia de la clase. La instrucción se ofrece en todos los niveles, desde los programas de principiante hasta los cursos conversacionales avanzados, en once idiomas diferentes.
Si usted no encuentra el curso en el que está interesado, o le gustaría sugerir otra hora para su clase, por favor comuníquese con nosotros.Siempre estamos dispuestos a formar nuevos cursos y horarios basados en las exigencias de los alumnos.
Las clases grupales consisten en:
Un promedio de seis alumnos por clase (máximo de 10/mínimo de 4)
Hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir
Estructura, vocabulario, cultura y pronunciación
Enfoque principal en hablar y escuchar
Todas las clases grupales requieren inscripción antes de asistir a su primera clase. Para nuestras clases grupales al público, la edad mínima de los participantes es de 16 años. Los alumnos que asistan a la primera clase con la intención de inscribirse ese día, puede que no sean admitidos debido a que la clase se haya llenado o cancelado.
Nuestra Filosofía de enseñanza
Al proporcionar una instrucción interesante y significativa que mantenga a los estudiantes motivados y comprometidos les permite obtener confianza para utilizar sus habilidades lingüísticas en situaciones del mundo real a cualquier nivel.
Nuestra meta es ofrecerles instrucción de primera categoría para el público en general, a un precio razonable. Creemos firmemente que aprender otro idioma es la clave para abrir la puerta a las oportunidades, así como para unir culturas y comunidades.
Nuestro enfoque conversacional en la enseñanza de idiomas, libre de estrés, permite que la experiencia sea divertida y efectiva. Los estudiantes aprenden el idioma mediante interacción con instructores nativos y nativos-fluidos y el refuerzo en la gramática a través de las conversaciones continuas.
En nuestros cursos se enseñan todos los aspectos del idioma y cultura, haciendo más énfasis en el desarrollo de las destrezas de hablar y escuchar.
How much in total? Does ILC offer free courses?We do offer free courses! We host free teacher training seminars and occasionally demo classes as well. Group Classes are $600 for 30 hours ($20/hour). Discount is available when enrolling for a full (120 hour) level. As a private school, our paid classes are led by specialized language teachers, trained to be a guide toward your fluency, and we show our appreciation by paying them well, but still keep our prices as low as possible. Private lessons are $67/hr with a minimum of 9 hours. Larger discounted packages in 9-hours increments are available. A one-time Enrollment Fee of $30 will be applied on initial enrollment. We offer Tuition Insurance at $0.75/hour to cover premature unenrollment.
What is the class schedule?Most Group Classes meet once or twice a week, between the hours of 6-9pm. Current courses offered are posted in our class schedule tab. Private class schedules are flexibly set by teacher and student.
Are there any payment plans?ILC requires a minimum payment of tuition prior to attending a language class; this can either cover the entire cost of the course, or we also offer the option to pay the group course in 2 installments of $300.
Clarifications on the two payment installmentsThe first payment of $300 is processed on the day of enrollment. The second payment will be automatically processed after 15 hours (on the day of the 5th class). All students are required to sign the Student Agreement and leave payment information with ILC prior to attending a course. If you wish to add Tuition Insurance to your account you must opt-in to this coverage prior to attending your first class.
What is your refund policy?Students are entitled to a full refund if ILC is not able to get the class started by the projected start date. An enrolled student is entitled to receive a refund minus a 20% retainer if they unenroll from a confirmed class within 2 weeks of the start date, unless they have opted-in for tuition insurance. Tuition is non-refundable at the start of the first class. If the student has purchased tuition insurance prior to attending first class and withdraws anytime after the first class, a refund of the tuition payment made is an option (see ILC Terms & Conditions).
Do materials come at an extra cost?Depending on the level, study material may include book cost ranging between approx. $20 and $80.
When am I going to be billed again?You will receive a billing reminder one week before your scheduled billing date. On the day of your last class, if you plan to continue the session you will automatically re-enroll into the next session. If for any reason you won’t be able to continue, please call or email us.
Is there a start date established?/When do classes start?TBD - check back soon
What days will the class meet?TBD - Check back soon
By when should I enroll?At least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled start date.
What all will be taught in a session?ILC language classes are focused on conversational fluency. You will learn to speak and use a language with confidence while also getting acquainted with the culture of the part of the world where it is spoken.
What's the length of the course?Each level (Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate) consists of 120 hours, divided into 4 sessions of 10 classes, 30 hours each) All language group classes consist of levels Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced. Except for the Advanced level, which continues into full fluency, these levels consist of 120 hours total. Students can enroll for a discounted full level or sign up for 10 classes of 3 hours at a time.
Is there a [insert level] class forming soon?TBD - Check back soon This question is contingent on what classes we have at the time (hold space to set projected dates once we have all classes posted)
I don't know what level I am - how can I find out?TBD -this requires decision on whether or not we keep offering online assessments on our website We offer a brief online assessment for almost all languages offered [LINK] OR if we decide to have this no longer free on our website A free language assessment is included in every enrollment.
Are classes in person?/Is there an option to join online?ILC offers in-person, virtual as well as hybrid classes. Students are welcome to join group classes virtually and we offer virtual private options
Do you provide (the) F-1 Visa?Indy Language Center is a private institution, not an accredited university and is not recognized by the US government to make any changes or aid in status. However, if you find yourself needing language courses, we have an excellent curriculum focused on speaking and fluency that is open to anyone regardless of visa status or location.
Are there certificates/diplomas given?ILC gives a certificate of completion to all students who complete a full level (4 sessions / 120 hours)
Do you offer classes to children?We offer private lessons to students of all ages, although typically not younger than 6 years old for private lessons, and typically older than 14 years old for group classes.